
Windsor’s Fulltime Hypnosis Practice

Body and Mind in Windsor in a fulltime therapy practice that is also Windsor’s top rated hypnosis specialist. Rick Saruna clinical director has trained in hypnosis for many years and has worked with 1,000s of people. Hypnosis itself is widely misunderstood and the results are almost magical although it is not magic. Hypnosis is a very natural and normal state that most people do not realize they slip into many many times throughout the day. It’s that place right before sleep although it is not sleep. People may look like they are sleeping but your mind is very active. Many people when they are hypnotized by a trained professional hypnotist may even wonder if they were actually hypnotized because it feels so natural. Everyone can be hypnotized that is willing. Yes everyone, although they say the smarter you are the easier it is to experience this deep relaxing state of the subconscious mind. So if you live in the Windsor, Ontario then Body & Mind can help you with just about whatever issue you would like to work on. For some it is stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety responds very well to hypnosis and the overall relaxation effect. Quitting Smoking and Weight Loss are probably the top 2 reasons people seek out hypnosis. We also combine weight loss and quit smoking with a laser process that makes an amazing increase in success. If you would like to lose weight or stop smoking we can help you. Rick Saruna is the area’s top hypnotists trained in clinical hypnosis as well as Comedy Stage Hypnosis. This type of comedy hypnosis is much different than stage show hypnosis. Many people think that stage show hypnotists are great in a clinical situation and this is just not true. Always seek someone that has strong clinical experience and has been trained properly. Rick Saruna has trained with some of the best over the years and now trains people to become certified as well. We offer Certified Hypnosis Training for those that would like to learn more to enhance what they do or perhaps even to change career paths. Hypnosis has actually been shown to get much quicker results than most other types of therapies. So if you are looking to create some changes in thought and also behaviours we welcome you to call us to book an appointment and see how hypnosis can help you. Call Body and Mind in Windsor Ontario at  519-948-0078 today!

Laser And Hypnosis Quit Smoking Program

Quit Smoking with Our Easy Quit Program Body And Mind is giving away bonus support sessions for 2014 . All included in our program. ALSO – Great News!  We have been able to keep last year’s pricing!  Hurry while it lasts! Laser and Hypnosis Quit Smoking Program. We have an amazing success rate that will help keep you a non smoker. Our special combination of laser and hypnosis is a unique and proven combination unavailable anywhere else. We are the original Windsor Laser and Hypnosis Quit Smoking program. We have helped 1,000s since the 1990s become non smokers. People from all over Michigan and Ontario have been coming to see us for years. We can help you too. Body and Mind of Windsor Ontario is your choice when you want to stop smoking. Laser and Hypnosis is safe and effective. We spend time with every client to help you fully understand all parts of the process and we support you along the way. Isn’t It That Time To Quit Smoking? If You Know It Is…  We Can Help You make It Easy and Automatic! Call Us Today 519-948-0078 Contact Us Now! You’ll be glad you did!

Anxiety: How It Affects Us

Anxiety is already a part of our lives as a way of adapting to various events around us. Each person has already experienced anxiety even in day-to-day activities like studying for exams, hearing negative news, preparing corporate reports, and even waiting for something that has yet to come. Anxiety can also become our greatest ally in determining dangers and unpleasantness around us. A dark street or a suspicious stranger can trigger anxiety that lets our most primitive survival response take over; the fight or flight response. However, the question remains. Should we allow anxiety to linger? Or do we need to let go of it some time? Like everything else, too much anxiety brings harm to our system. Being too anxious especially with unreasonable causes can become a problem when it goes out of hand. We have identified some of the negative effects of anxiety to us. Anxiety Reduces Productivity – Most work and school-related non-productivity is caused by anxiety. Thinking too much of our problems can affect the way we think and what we think. It clouds our initiative preventing us from thinking properly. It makes us lose our concentration making us vulnerable to illogical decisions that can affect work and/or studies. Anxiety Affects Social Life – Anxious people are usually irritable and edgy. Ever have a friend in one of your social networks complain about his/her problems online? It is a common scenario among people with anxiety disorder to vent out problems online. Even offline especially in social gatherings, anxiety affects how a person interacts with others. It becomes an issue when someone with anxiety disorder starts showing signs of discomfort. Anxiety Harms the Body – The human body produces chemicals and hormones to combat unusual experiences whether internal or external. Anxiety raises the level of chemicals and hormones produced by our body to counteract the overwhelming feeling. Too much of these chemicals and hormones is harmful to the system. Anxiety Leads to Addiction – When chemicals from the body are not enough to relieve the negative feeling, a person with anxiety disorder resorts to external stimulants like alcohol, food, and drugs. These stimulants may or may not provide temporary relief but these can cause harm to the body when taken in large and frequent doses. Anxiety Causes Death – Depression, a severe condition caused by anxiety, has been one of the most common reasons for suicide. A person plagued with anxiety is in a constant state of fear, worry, and dread. These can lead to severe despondency that causes a person to question his/her existence and purpose leading to self-mutilation. Anxiety disorder is a serious condition that needs immediate treatment from an expert therapist using proven methods in relieving anxiety disorder and other related issues. Body and Mind Natural Health is a leading expert in quit-smoking, weight-loss, and treating stress-related conditions particularly anxiety, depression, and traumas/phobias. You can call the office at 519-948-0078. Body and Mind in Windsor, Ontario.

Stress , Anxiety or Depression – We Have Therapy That Works!

Everyone knows someone that is having some issues managing emotions, thoughts and feelings. In fact we have all at one point ourselves have felt some of this as well. Like most serious issues the most logical thing many do is go to their medical doctor and get a script to “numb” the pain or many just do nothing because they figure it will pass like bad weather. Some may go to different therapies and relive the issues over and over in hopes that the words lose meaning. Talk therapy really can help but many of the clients I see tell me that although it helped it never went away. This is why many people I see come in because they are not satisfied with just making it a little better – they want it gone! or at least they want tools and techniques to help manage thoughts in the future. This is what we specialize in. We have anxiety and depression therapy that works. Stress Anxiety Depression – We Specialize in Results and Rapid Change Anxiety and / or depression is something that we have great success with handling and managing here at the Body & Mind clinic in Windsor, Ontario. Most people will say that they are not sure why they have it or where it started so we have been able to help people locate the beginning of the problem and actually remove the emotion that started it all. This process we have developed is called Rapid Emotional Release and Empowerment (RERE). It is truly amazing how quickly we can help people feel better quite quickly in most situations. yes anxiety and depression can be lifted. I say most situations because there are rare situations where some people actually think they are benefiting from the problem! This is called secondary gain. It is rare but it does exist. You might be reading this for you or for someone else. This other person maybe going through things that you are not aware of. Here at the Windsor, Ontario clinic of Body and Mind we specialize in all this. We also offer a FREE Evaluation to better understand the clients situation, to give them a chance to see how we can help and then we decide if we want to work with each other. If you or a loved one are suffering from stress, depression, anxiety we can help. Stress Anxiety Depression – It Does Not Matter How Long Ago or From What – We Have Methods That Work You can call the office at 519-948-0078. Body and Mind in Windsor, Ontario.

Quit Smoking – 95% Success!

The first reaction many have is how is it possible to get such a success rate? The secret lies in the idea that we DO NOT do anything you have already tried! In truth, most methods available and highly promoted do not work and have a very low success. Backed by the powerful pharmaceutical companies and pushed to doctors that then push it to you. Most of these things are not only dangerous but they can cause serious harm you. One of the side effects of Champix is suicide. Not something anyone should use but doctors are told to promote this dangerous option because this is how desperate quitting has become. There is an EASY and SAFE way but it is not promoted in doctors’ offices because it is NATURAL and there are NO DRUGS involved. The Body & Mind system is totally different. It is SAFE, NATURAL, and EASY. It is the only system that removes cravings and the thoughts of smoking. It is a unique combination of methods that combines LASER and HYPNOSIS. It uses a cool light laser process that removes cravings while relaxing the body. The hypnosis process helps remove cravings while reducing stress. With the Body & Mind Quit Smoking Program, you will not only QUIT SMOKING you will be more relaxed as a non-smoker than you were as a smoker. We also spend time to explain all the processes and how they work and why they will work for you. A simple and easy method that has been proven with 1000s of smokers since the 1990s. We have helped people smoking up to 5 packs per day to those of a few a week. We know we can help you or your loved ones. Why attempt a method of quitting that stresses you out when you can do the relaxing Body & Mind Quit Smoking Program. Call us to learn more and how you can become smoke FREE in on session! We then support you over the next 3 weeks to make sure there are NO cravings or old desires. No one has a better success and no one understands smoking, smokers and how to help you become SMOKE FREE. You can call the office at 519-948-0078 Body and Mind in Windsor, Ontario to book your appointment or to get more information. Call Us and YOU will be glad you did!