
Anxiety is already a part of our lives as a way of adapting to various events around us. Each person has already experienced anxiety even in day-to-day activities like studying for exams, hearing negative news, preparing corporate reports, and even waiting for something that has yet to come. Anxiety can also become our greatest ally in determining dangers and unpleasantness around us. A dark street or a suspicious stranger can trigger anxiety that lets our most primitive survival response take over; the fight or flight response.

However, the question remains. Should we allow anxiety to linger? Or do we need to let go of it some time?

Like everything else, too much anxiety brings harm to our system. Being too anxious especially with unreasonable causes can become a problem when it goes out of hand. We have identified some of the negative effects of anxiety to us.

Anxiety disorder is a serious condition that needs immediate treatment from an expert therapist using proven methods in relieving anxiety disorder and other related issues. Body and Mind Natural Health is a leading expert in quit-smoking, weight-loss, and treating stress-related conditions particularly anxiety, depression, and traumas/phobias.

You can call the office at 519-948-0078. Body and Mind in Windsor, Ontario.

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