
Eat Your Way To Weight Loss

There is a common misconception that you have to starve yourself to lose weight. This is simply not true! Actually, you must eat to lose weight. It is the Glycemic index that can help you determines what happens in your body. Let me explain. Your body needs glucose, which is a form of sugar, and is the main fuel for the body. The body is constantly trying to maintain blood sugar levels and it is the carbohydrates we eat that turns into glucose which goes directly into the blood stream to feed all the cells of the body. Glucose is the only fuel your brain uses and it is the brain that uses more energy than any other part of your body. If your blood sugar goes down, it starves the brain and a wide variety of symptoms can occur such as feeling weak and sluggish, drowsy, dizzy, confused, headache, irritability, trembling, rapid heartbeat, and even anxiety and panic attacks. Carbohydrates alone do not make a healthy body. We need a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fat, water and exercise to maintain health. The biggest difficulty that we have with weight problems is over indulging in high glycemic foods. These are the foods that contain too much sugar or foods that are refined carbohydrates. If you over indulge in carbohydrates, (which produce insulin) then the excess glucose gets stored as fat. You can counter that by eating protein with it, (which produces glucagons). Glucagons promote the utilization of fat to be used for energy. Insulin and glucagons in balance maintain normal blood sugar levels. A body in a high insulin state promotes excess stored fat and disease. The foods that are high on the glycemic index are foods such as the root family, potatoes, carrots, parsnips, yams etc. If you want to eat potatoes then I’d opt for the yams or sweet potato (without the honey and brown sugar). They are the lowest on the glycemic scale. Also rice, pasta, corn, most breads are high on the scale as well as some fruits like bananas, apricots and pineapple. Some low index foods are vegetables such as broccoli, the lettuce and cabbage family, various beans, dairy and for women, soy. I would also like to make a mention about fat. Fat in itself is not the bad guy. Our diets need fat to remain healthy. Fat provides fuel for the body plus it helps in the development of cell membranes and hormones and also helps to insulate our bodies. Fat in our foods is what gives us that satisfied feeling. You don’t need very much fat intake. Stick with good fats like olive oil, flax oil, coconut oil and stay away from saturated or trans fats. Portion size is very important. The rule to remember is; if you have approximately 3 oz. of protein and you have a high index carb, then eat only 3oz of that carb. It is a one to one ratio. A protein and a low index carb would be 3 oz of protein and 6 oz of carb. It is a 1 to 2 ratio. Eat 6 small meals per day in the correct ratio this will assist you in your dietary needs to lose weight. Also don’t forget water, water, water and make it your new favourite drink. Enjoy! Need help losing weight? We can help at Body and Mind in Windsor, Ontario. We specialize in helping people like you lose weight, remove emotional eating and relieve stress. Call us today for more information at 519-948-0078

Weight Loss – Windsor, Ontario

This is one our society’s greatest struggles. I was watching some old reruns from the 60’s and 70’s and was surprised to see that most people were quite thin. Not just the actors but people in crowds and public places. So what happened?   It looks like a lot of things have changed all around us. What people eat as well as lifestyle seems to be more obvious as the cause. There really are many different variables that have directly impacted society and how we live.   It still comes down that in order to lose weight and keep it off there has to be a lifestyle change. This is the key. People often tell us they are too busy to eat real meals and drive thus are convenient. Too busy and too tired to exercise yet most tell us they want to.   Body and Mind in Windsor Ontario has been helping people lose weight successfully since the 1990’s. We specialize in Weight Loss, Quit Smoking, Stress, Anxiety and behavior modification. Body and Mind has unlocked some of the secrets that have been helping people lose weight, remove stress and improve the quality of their lives.   Rick Saruna is clinical director of Body and Mind and he has been involved in the self help field since the 1980’s. He is clinical director of Body and Mind in Windsor and has helped 1000’s of people make some major changes in their lives.   The weight loss program of Body and Mind is unlike any others because of all the things it incorporates into it. The weight loss system involves increasing metabolism, removing cravings and changing your thoughts about food. Isn’t this what weight loss should be all about?!   So how is this done? There are varieties of techniques that we tried and tested until we were finally able to come up with something that was effective and was not a diet.  The problem with diets is that the very word diet means to go without. The brain cannot process a negative so if I tell you NOT to think of a pink elephant, you MUST think of one. So, if you can’t eat something the focus will be on that very food! However, if you don’t feel like eating that food no one can talk you into it. This is because your ideas are always the best!   We have developed a very unique process with cool light laser applied to various points on the body to stimulate metabolism and also to help in diminishing cravings. It is relaxing, calming and pain free.   To change the thoughts about food we need to change thoughts and thinking. This is done through hypnosis. Hypnosis Weight Loss has been proven to be effective when done through a program with an experienced hypnotist. Rick Saruna is Windsor’s leading hypnotist. He is also a hypnosis instructor able to certify anyone interested in learning hypnosis. By working directly with the subconscious hypnotic processes help change thoughts and thinking about food. The stress reduction part of this process helps remove emotional eating.   If you are ready to lose weight, remove stress and feel better than ever then you need to call our office and learn more. You will be glad you did.  

Windsor’s Fulltime Hypnosis Practice

Body and Mind in Windsor in a fulltime therapy practice that is also Windsor’s top rated hypnosis specialist. Rick Saruna clinical director has trained in hypnosis for many years and has worked with 1,000s of people. Hypnosis itself is widely misunderstood and the results are almost magical although it is not magic. Hypnosis is a very natural and normal state that most people do not realize they slip into many many times throughout the day. It’s that place right before sleep although it is not sleep. People may look like they are sleeping but your mind is very active. Many people when they are hypnotized by a trained professional hypnotist may even wonder if they were actually hypnotized because it feels so natural. Everyone can be hypnotized that is willing. Yes everyone, although they say the smarter you are the easier it is to experience this deep relaxing state of the subconscious mind. So if you live in the Windsor, Ontario then Body & Mind can help you with just about whatever issue you would like to work on. For some it is stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety responds very well to hypnosis and the overall relaxation effect. Quitting Smoking and Weight Loss are probably the top 2 reasons people seek out hypnosis. We also combine weight loss and quit smoking with a laser process that makes an amazing increase in success. If you would like to lose weight or stop smoking we can help you. Rick Saruna is the area’s top hypnotists trained in clinical hypnosis as well as Comedy Stage Hypnosis. This type of comedy hypnosis is much different than stage show hypnosis. Many people think that stage show hypnotists are great in a clinical situation and this is just not true. Always seek someone that has strong clinical experience and has been trained properly. Rick Saruna has trained with some of the best over the years and now trains people to become certified as well. We offer Certified Hypnosis Training for those that would like to learn more to enhance what they do or perhaps even to change career paths. Hypnosis has actually been shown to get much quicker results than most other types of therapies. So if you are looking to create some changes in thought and also behaviours we welcome you to call us to book an appointment and see how hypnosis can help you. Call Body and Mind in Windsor Ontario at  519-948-0078 today!

Rick Saruna – Body & Mind Clinical Director

Rick Saruna is clinical director of Body and Mind in Windsor Ontario. He has been helping people since the 1990s with creating changes in thoughts, thinking and behaviors. Since he works with the subconscious he is able to create long lasting change at a deep level. Many people come to Body and Mind to see Rick Saruna for emotional issues such as anger, sadness, fear and guilt. These also include related physical issues due to stress, anxiety and even depression. The processes used by Rick Saruna involve his unique Rapid Emotional Release (a technique he developed) that works with lifting the stuck emotional issue. Many times without even having to talk about it until you are ready. Rick Saruna is also a Victim Services approved counsellor and works with some high profile trauma and victims of crime. His techniques work and they work in many cases quickly. The key is always finding the real issue(s). Rick Saruna is known for his no non sense approach and ability to see where the real issues are located. Body & Mind offers individual and family counselling for all issues. If you are not sure all you have to do is ask. Many health professionals use Rick because he is caring and compassionate and his experience is shown with his confidence when dealing with sensitive and emotional issues. Body & Mind clinic is also well known and respected for their Quit Smoking Program. The smoking cessation program consists of a unique process not offered anywhere else. It is Laser, Hypnosis and Support. Laser is a cool light noninvasive and relaxing as it actually reduces nicotine craving. We combine this with a therapeutic hypnosis process to help you change your thoughts of smoking. It I then supported with ongoing visits to make sure you are confident in your new nonsmoking lifestyle. Body & Mind is also well known for its Weight Loss Programs.  It also is a combination of Laser and Hypnosis. The laser is similar to the smoking but different points are used to increase metabolism. Laser is done as needed the help stimulate metabolism and also helpful in removing sugar cravings. Hypnosis is then used to help create new points of reference and allow the subconscious to allow you to make the right choices. Hypnosis is calming and relaxing and is excellent in removing stress. So people report back how well they are sleeping and now feeling. Also it needs to be mentioned that anyone can be hypnotized that is willing to be hypnotized. Rick Saruna also does coaching and works with many top business people to remove stress and help them accomplish their goals. Corporate talks are available and demonstration of the mind will be demonstrated. If you are looking for personal training or for small groups we can accommodate you. This would also hypnosis training for anyone that is looking to become a hypnotist. Check – for more info or call Body & Mind – 519-948-0078.

About Us – Body and Mind – Rick Saruna

  Body and Mind Natural Health Clinic is located in Windsor Ontario. The clinic specializes many different types of treatments and techniques helping people with a variety of issues, problems and situations. Well known for its results in some of the most difficult and unusual cases because of their experience and knowledge. Rick Saruna is the clinical director and has been well known in the natural health field since the 1990s. People have travelled throughout North America to experience what Rick Saruna has to offer. A specialist in behavioral change Rick has been able to help people in many personal issues and situations. He is sought out for counselling and therapy for Individual and Family Counselling. This includes personal issues as well as family and marital issues. Rick Saruna is a specialist when it comes to stress, anxiety, anger, fears and sadness. His whole philosophy is that there are many natural ways to allow the Body and Mind to function so much better in a natural and normal way.  If medications are not what you desire or they are not getting you the results you need then call the offices of Body and Mind and ask for an appointment with Rick Saruna. Rick is a therapist, counsellor and has developed many techniques and processes that he teaches at conferences conventions. He developed a process of quickly lifting stuck emotional issues though an eye pattern process called Rapid Emotional Release and Empowerment. The process is often called RER and also RERE. It is a gentle method that allows an emotion to lift without having to get into the details of a traumatic situation. RER avoids having to relive the details unlike conventional therapies. Rick is an approved Victim Services Counsellor. Rick Saruna of Body & Mind is also an author and wrote the popular book called Thought Shifting – How to Remove The Negative Inner Voice in 30 Days. Copies are available online and also in the clinic. This book teaches you how to gain control of your thoughts and your thinking to remove negativity and learn how to become more positive. Rick Saruna is also trained in guided imagery, visualization and hypnosis. A very well know hypnotist and hypnosis instructor he has trained in  many levels of hypnosis and teaches at conferences his RER ( Rapid Emotional Release and Empowerment) as well as his Thought Shifting. When it comes to hypnosis and hypnosis training Rick Saruna is a leader in his field having more experience in hypnosis than anyone else in the area. The Body & Mind clinic has been using and working with hypnosis for many years. Professional clinical hypnosis is not stage or entertainment hypnosis. Many people think that stage hypnosis is similar but it is not. When working with hypnosis always work with a well-trained clinical hypnosis specialist. Rick Saruna has trained many local hypnotists and often does career training in clinical hypnosis. He can certify you as a trained hypnotist. Rick Saruna is also trained with some of the top Las Vegas stage hypnotists and can also do stage shows for presentations and even corporate trainings as well. Call Body and Mind today at 519-948-0078.

Less Stress Helps Reduce Weight

“I eat when I’m stressed.” Sounds familiar? This is a popular line among people who experience daily stress-triggers such as office problems, family tensions, and relationship dramas. However, the problem doesn’t end in stress-eating. It was discovered that you’ll store more of what you eat when you are experiencing stress. According to a study conducted by the Ohio State University, “Women who experience stress 24 hours before eating a high-fat meal showed the higher levels of insulin an hour after they ate than women who experience less stressful day.” Insulin is a hormone that helps the body store extra calories as fats. Too much of this hormone can cause the body to burn lesser calories in every meal. According to the study coauthor Martha Belury, Ph.D., R.D. that would add up to at least 11-pound weight gain over a year. She added: “Stress hormones, like epinephrine and cortisol, are a major determinant of how many calories you burn at rest.” This study shows the importance of having a less stressful lifestyle in reducing your weight. Having stress is inevitable. You can’t control stressful events. However, you can always manage how you handle day-to-day stress. Enough sleep, healthy food, vitamins/food supplements, and relaxing activities like a body massage can help relieve you of daily tension. Body & Mind helps with emotional management and hypnosis. Using hypnosis removes stress and helps change thought processes. Emotional management will help to remove stressors and triggers that lead to unhealthy eating. Body and Mind uses hypnosis because it allows a natural relaxation response in the body and everyone that is willing can be hypnotized. Mind Clinical Director Rick Saruna states that many people chase weight as the issue when in fact it is the stress that often causes the weight. This is why he always includes stress reduction in all their weight loss processes. Emotional release therapies he uses are both hypnosis and non-hypnotic. It depends on the situation and the individual. For any situation where weight is ongoing one should look at the stress factor. Even if they think they are not stressed there could be underlying triggers that only a trained emotional expert can uncover and remove. It is of utmost importance to find someone that specializes in weight related issues. Rick Saruna of Body & Mind Windsor has been working with stress-related weight for over three decades. According to Saruna: “Many people that are stressed have a weight issue and they do not recognize its stress induced because it has been there for so long and those that know they are stressed have come to accept it. This is the real issue in many weight cases,” . Body and Mind is Windsor’s Best when it comes to weight-loss and stress related issues. Visit the health food store in the Body and Mind clinic for your nutritional needs – and also book a massage with our Registered Massage Therapist Jelena – she is GREAT! You can call the office at 519-948-0078. Body and Mind in Windsor, Ontario.