Eat Your Way To Weight Loss
There is a common misconception that you have to starve yourself to lose weight. This is simply not true! Actually, you must eat to lose weight. It is the Glycemic index that can help you determines what happens in your body. Let me explain. Your body needs glucose, which is a form of sugar, and is the main fuel for the body. The body is constantly trying to maintain blood sugar levels and it is the carbohydrates we eat that turns into glucose which goes directly into the blood stream to feed all the cells of the body. Glucose is the only fuel your brain uses and it is the brain that uses more energy than any other part of your body. If your blood sugar goes down, it starves the brain and a wide variety of symptoms can occur such as feeling weak and sluggish, drowsy, dizzy, confused, headache, irritability, trembling, rapid heartbeat, and even anxiety and panic attacks. Carbohydrates alone do not make a healthy body. We need a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fat, water and exercise to maintain health. The biggest difficulty that we have with weight problems is over indulging in high glycemic foods. These are the foods that contain too much sugar or foods that are refined carbohydrates. If you over indulge in carbohydrates, (which produce insulin) then the excess glucose gets stored as fat. You can counter that by eating protein with it, (which produces glucagons). Glucagons promote the utilization of fat to be used for energy. Insulin and glucagons in balance maintain normal blood sugar levels. A body in a high insulin state promotes excess stored fat and disease. The foods that are high on the glycemic index are foods such as the root family, potatoes, carrots, parsnips, yams etc. If you want to eat potatoes then I’d opt for the yams or sweet potato (without the honey and brown sugar). They are the lowest on the glycemic scale. Also rice, pasta, corn, most breads are high on the scale as well as some fruits like bananas, apricots and pineapple. Some low index foods are vegetables such as broccoli, the lettuce and cabbage family, various beans, dairy and for women, soy. I would also like to make a mention about fat. Fat in itself is not the bad guy. Our diets need fat to remain healthy. Fat provides fuel for the body plus it helps in the development of cell membranes and hormones and also helps to insulate our bodies. Fat in our foods is what gives us that satisfied feeling. You don’t need very much fat intake. Stick with good fats like olive oil, flax oil, coconut oil and stay away from saturated or trans fats. Portion size is very important. The rule to remember is; if you have approximately 3 oz. of protein and you have a high index carb, then eat only 3oz of that carb. It is a one to one ratio. A protein and a low index carb would be 3 oz of protein and 6 oz of carb. It is a 1 to 2 ratio. Eat 6 small meals per day in the correct ratio this will assist you in your dietary needs to lose weight. Also don’t forget water, water, water and make it your new favourite drink. Enjoy! Need help losing weight? We can help at Body and Mind in Windsor, Ontario. We specialize in helping people like you lose weight, remove emotional eating and relieve stress. Call us today for more information at 519-948-0078
How Vitamin D Helps in Bowel Cancer Survival Odds
A study shows that bowel cancer patients with high levels of Vitamin D in their system are more likely to survive the disease than those with lower Vitamin D levels. According to the study conducted by the University of Edinburgh: “Patients with the highest level of Vitamin D have half the risk of dying compared to those with the lowest levels.” The research team of the University of Edinburgh tested blood samples from 1,600 bowel cancer patients. The study is the first to correlate total blood levels of vitamin D in bowel cancer patients after their diagnosis – which includes that produced after exposure to sunlight and that obtained from dietary sources – with their long term survival prospects. Vitamin D, also known as sunshine vitamin, helps enhance the absorption of iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and zinc in our body. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), “Vitamin D is essential for the formation, growth, and repair of bones and for normal calcium absorption and immune function.” In the study conducted by University of Edinburgh, bowel cancer patients with stage 2 disease, at which the tumor may be quite large but the cancer cells have not yet spread, have the greatest benefit in Vitamin D. Researchers discovered that 75% of the patients with the highest Vitamin D levels survived the disease after 5 years compared to those with lowest levels. Although the relationship between Vitamin D and better bowel cancer survival odds is yet to be proven further, the researchers are hopeful they will be able to conclude this connection in further studies. The researches aim to set up a clinical trial to test whether taking vitamin D tablets in combination with chemotherapy can improve bowel cancer survival rates. According to the study’s author, Professor Malcolm Dunlop of Edinburgh Cancer Research UK Centre, “Our findings are promising but it is important to note that this is an observational study. We need carefully designed randomized clinical trials before we can confirm whether taking vitamin D supplements offers any survival benefit for bowel cancer patients.” How to obtain Vitamin D? Vitamin D is different from other essential vitamins because our own bodies can manufacture it with sunlight exposure. However, sunlight exposure is not a privilege everyone can enjoy all the time. Adults who have darker skin pigmentation or frequently wear sun protection during outdoor activities are often vitamin D deficient. Also, the effects of global warming have limited the number of hours a person could safely spend under the sun without any skin protection. Food is also a good source of Vitamin D. Foods like fresh tuna, fresh mackerel, fresh salmon, beef liver, soy milk, egg yolk, and cheese. However, acquisition of these types of food depend on the region and availability. Plus, the discovery and use of genetically modified organisms (GMO) affect the freshness of the food and the potency of the Vitamin D present. Vitamin supplements provide agreeably the BEST way of obtaining Vitamin D needed by the body. This is also the best alternative when sunlight is neither enough nor available. Food supplements manufactured by trusted companies are both affordable and effective in providing Vitamin D for the body. Although the vitamin D test is no longer covered by Ontario Health Insurance Plan or OHIP it is a good idea to pay the small fee to get it done. It is a safe bet that if you live in Canada and have limited sun exposure you are most likely low or deficient in vitamin D3. Make sure when you supplement you use D3 as it has a higher potency than D2 and better absorption. How much vitamin D3 to take? It depends on your needs according to health therapist Rick Saruna. He says depending who you talk to you will get different information. Only a blood test can tell you your exact levels. You want to test in the mid upper levels for optimal health. Saruna says much of the newer research is pointing to higher levels than most professionals should be suggesting. Research also shows that if a high level of D is taken for over time there should be a supplementation of Vitamin K as well. Vitamin K however cannot be used with certain medications and there are different types of K. Please ask if you need any more information on this. It is important that when you are looking for supplements you get up to date and correct information. Body and Mind Natural Health in Windsor, Ontario can answer all of your health nutritional questions. Visit the health food store the Body and Mind clinic for your Vitamin D and K and any other nutritional needs. You can call the office at 519-948-0078. Body and Mind in Windsor, Ontario.
Quit Smoking – 95% Success!
The first reaction many have is how is it possible to get such a success rate? The secret lies in the idea that we DO NOT do anything you have already tried! In truth, most methods available and highly promoted do not work and have a very low success. Backed by the powerful pharmaceutical companies and pushed to doctors that then push it to you. Most of these things are not only dangerous but they can cause serious harm you. One of the side effects of Champix is suicide. Not something anyone should use but doctors are told to promote this dangerous option because this is how desperate quitting has become. There is an EASY and SAFE way but it is not promoted in doctors’ offices because it is NATURAL and there are NO DRUGS involved. The Body & Mind system is totally different. It is SAFE, NATURAL, and EASY. It is the only system that removes cravings and the thoughts of smoking. It is a unique combination of methods that combines LASER and HYPNOSIS. It uses a cool light laser process that removes cravings while relaxing the body. The hypnosis process helps remove cravings while reducing stress. With the Body & Mind Quit Smoking Program, you will not only QUIT SMOKING you will be more relaxed as a non-smoker than you were as a smoker. We also spend time to explain all the processes and how they work and why they will work for you. A simple and easy method that has been proven with 1000s of smokers since the 1990s. We have helped people smoking up to 5 packs per day to those of a few a week. We know we can help you or your loved ones. Why attempt a method of quitting that stresses you out when you can do the relaxing Body & Mind Quit Smoking Program. Call us to learn more and how you can become smoke FREE in on session! We then support you over the next 3 weeks to make sure there are NO cravings or old desires. No one has a better success and no one understands smoking, smokers and how to help you become SMOKE FREE. You can call the office at 519-948-0078 Body and Mind in Windsor, Ontario to book your appointment or to get more information. Call Us and YOU will be glad you did!