It has been 3 months and I have lost 30lbs without really trying. I still go out to restaurants, but now I always leave with a doggie bag. I eat everything but just a lot less. I never thought with me being on steroids that I would be able to lose weight. I have tried almost everything on the market and nothing else worked, until I found YOU.
I am a nurse in North Eastern Ohio. I heard about laser for stop smoking and weight. My husband looked it up on the internet and found several but we decided to travel 175 miles to go see Rick & Patti at Body & Mind Natural Health because of their integration of laser therapy and hypnosis. We liked this idea because it approached weight loss from 2 aspects, physical addiction and psychological addiction.
It has been 6 weeks since my first visit to Body & Mind and to date I have lost a total of 19.4 lbs (3.23 lbs a week)! I still have a long way to go but I am showing no signs of slowing down! Rick makes losing weight SO easy. He takes away the cravings and helps you remind yourself why life is more important than food.
I love coming to Windsor to see Rick and Patti and wish I had known about them sooner.
Rick has been great. I lost 20lbs in less than 2 months without really trying. I have tried everything on the market to lose weight and nothing worked. I was about to give up when I saw the ad for Body & Mind on the Internet. I could Not believe how easy it was. I have no cravings or want for sweets anymore. I am Not on a diet I just eat less because I am full and satisfied.
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