Our unique Windsor Quit Smoking Program has been proven with 1,000’s of clients since the 1990’s. We have a 95% success rate with our Special and unique combination of laser and hypnosis process. It was developed here in Windsor Ontario and we had had people travel 1,000’s of miles to experience its success. We have clients from the Detroit and Michigan area, Ohio, Indiana, New York, Texas, California, Florida, as well as Windsor, Essex and Kent County and other parts of Ontario, all on a regular basis.
We prefer to call our program STOP SMOKING because your whole life you are told not to quit anything. The truth is you are not a quitter and we are not quitting but rather making a choice to stop to improve your life. The tobacco industry spends millions a day on advertising and you can be sure that anything they can do to keep you a customer they will. This includes all methods they suggest to quit smoking. Our research many years ago while looking to create a program that was effective revealed many things that were astounding in how powerful this industry is. We researched the industry and other smoking cessation methods that were both non effective and effective to come up with something that not only worked to get people to stop but to be able to keep them a non smoker into the future. We spent years – yes years developing and fine tuning our program.
We can honestly say no one – NO ONE that we are aware of does anything close to what we do and how we do it. Again we tell people right at the beginning that we are not 100% and this is only for one reason and one reason only – We deal with people. As we all know some people just do not listen or follow our simple instructions and directions. Those that do follow – and have a true desire to stop – will be life long non smokers. It is that easy.
Quitting smoking is easy. Staying a non-smoker is a whole different issue.
We Can Help You Stay Stopped.
Windsor’s Leading Smoking Specialist Having Helped 1,000’s Become Tobacco Free
Certified Smoking Cessation Specialist by University of Toronto Medical School![]()
Our Stop Smoking Program has been so successful that it is now marketed throughout the world! It is now one of the internet’s most popular and successful program. All of it was designed from our proven program. If your company is interested in improving the health and well being of staff and their families contact us for more information.
Are You Looking for : Windsor Stop Smoking, Quit smoking, laser, smoking cessation, how to quit smoking, how to stop smoking, quit smoking without weight gain, stop smoking without weight gain, If it has anything to do with smoking we can help you –
Windsor Quit Smoking Hypnosis and Quit Smoking Laser Works!
Want to be a non smoker? We can help you. Please call the office. We will be happy to answer your questions.
We knew we needed a program to stay stopped. Having been born and raised in Windsor and being the only full time clinic still in the same location since the 1990s we are not going anywhere. We are concerned about reputation and we care about results. This is also why we have a program and not just a single application of a technique. We knew we had to have people come back into the clinic to make sure they were relaxed as a non smoker and feeling great about being so. Our program had to be different and we had to be better. We started by caring more. We started by researching and developing. There was a need for something different and effective.
What makes our program unique is that it incorporates a BODY and MIND approach. We realize that in order to begin smoking you have to make up your mind with a decision to start. Here at BODY and MIND we also work with your mind to make a decision to stop. We don’t mean a thought or idea of stopping. We mean a firm conviction of stop smoking.
Let’s get one thing straight right away. NO ONE can MAKE YOU do anything you don’t want to. We are not here to force you to do anything. We are here to help you do what you want to do. This is ASSISTANCE not a fight against someone’s resistance. In other words we are here to help those who want to stop. If you have reasons to stop ( you wouldn’t be here right now if you didn’t! ) this program is really very easy and automatic. YES… EASY AND AUTOMATIC! We have worked with 1000’s of people over the years with our smoking cessation program in Windsor. We have discovered what, why and how to give you the success you need. Many people come saying they really aren’t sure if they want to QUIT SMOKING. It is soon discovered that what they are really thinking is they are afraid of failing. So they keep this thought in the back of their mind. Let us work with removing this thought and explain why and how you will be successful with our system.
Let me tell you what all our experience tells us. No one desires a cigarette. You didn’t like the first one, now did you?. That’s right, you coughed and choked and gagged. No one enjoys smoking when they start, NOBODY! It has been discovered that a person doesn’t desire a cigarette as much as they desire to get rid of the terrible feeling that they get when they don’t smoke. It’ s that feeling of irritability, nervousness, and uncertainty in the body the can strike fear into someone that stops.
This is why our QUIT SMOKING PROGRAM works! We incorporate a proven system to release cravings of the body. But something very unique is that we also work with the mind to eliminate the thoughts of a cigarette.
We work with a special LASER Quit Smoking technique that uses a cool light medical laser to stimulate special points to re-balance the body to control and eliminate cravings. These points are mostly located on the ears (auricular therapy). We then incorporate the importance of removing stress and strain so we use a special form of proven relaxation therapy to change your thoughts and thinking.
People that experience our program tell us they are more relaxed as a NON-SMOKER than they ever were as a smoker. All the processes that we are relaxation based. When you follow our program you will be more relaxed as a non smoker than you ever were as a smoker. This is what successful graduates of our Body and Mind Quit Smoking Program tell us. This is what their friends and family tell them. This is why our stop smoking program works so well.Stop Smoking done correctly with the support we offer will help you become free of smoking.

Body & Mind Windsor Quit Smoking – Laser and Hypnosis 95% Success
We also follow up with a proven system of support to guide and direct you through the whole process. This is key. We help you and stick with you until you are confident and well on your way to a healthier lifestyle. We guide you step by step – all you need to do is follow and ask if there are any questions. Remember we are here to help you.
Our Laser Quit Smoking and Hypnosis Quit Smoking is unique because it works on a Body & Mind level. In order to be a permanent non smoker our unique process combines both laser and hypnosis to work on your success. We then support you and walk you through the next few weeks to follow up and make sure you are indeed tobacco free.
This is why our STOP SMOKING / QUIT SMOKING program at our Windsor Ontario clinic is unique and successful in smoking cessation. Laser and Hypnosis QUIT SMOKING will be the program you need to create the changes you now desire and deserve.
What our clients have to say!
I needed something to convince myself that after 35 years I could finally quit my 4-to-5-pack-a-day smoking habit. Yes, I chain smoked from morning until night and even woke up in the middle of each night to light up. I tried Zyban and the patch. What a joke! Ten minutes into The Windsor Quit Smoking at Body & Mind Program I KNEW I was going to be able
to quit. I remain tobacco-free over a year later. This program was a miracle in my life and my wife considers it even more than that! I’m also saving over $250.00 a week that I spent on this killer habit! I highly recommend the Body & Mind Program to anyone who wants to quit smoking once and for all!
I Smoked for over 40 years and have tried many times and different ways to stop smoking, failing every time. I was not sure about doing it this way with your system, but I wanted to quit. I saw you Dec. and though its only been a couple of weeks I have not had the desire for a cigarette or have the desire for one. I do not have the nervousness or temper as I always had in the past trying to quit. I do not have the
craving to eat like crazy, or snack on sweets, as I now understand the facts behind tobacco. I am in your office today with my wife as she has now decided (after seeing how easy it is) to become a non smoker too!!! Thanks for all your help!
For quickest and most personalized service, CALL our office.
Body & Mind Natural Health – Windsor, Ontario
(519) 948-0078
Quit Smoking – Smoking Cessation – Stop Smoking
Corporate STOP SMOKING programs are available
Call Today and Get More Information!
We are located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, near the Detroit Michigan border. Across from Central Mall. Directly across from the Metro grocery store.
Body and Mind specializes in Laser and Hypnosis Quit Smoking Programs. Also we specialize in the following; Laser and Hypnosis Weight Loss, Counselling and Therapy, Marriage and Family Issues, Craving Elimination, Emotional Eating and Stress Management. We are Located in Windsor Ontario and only Minutes From the U.S. Detroit Michigan Border.
Body & Mind Natural Health Clinic- Windsor, Ontario