Windsor Anxiety Therapy
Your Natural Solution To Anxiety
Call and book your FREE evaluation TODAY
Anxiety comes in many forms—panic attacks, phobia, and social anxiety—and the distinction between a disorder and “normal” anxiety isn’t always clear. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It helps one deal with a tense situation in the office, study harder for an exam, keep focused on an important speech.
If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiousness you realize how debilitating, frightening and serious it can be. The feeling of helplessness can make even the most successful or powerful person feel totally helpless. The symptoms can vary in intensity from person to person and can include many various physical manifestations. The biggest one becomes a feeling of anxiousness of being anxious. It becomes a self-perpetuating cycle of non-stop racing thoughts and resulted symptoms.
We Can Help You Quickly
We have developed a powerful and effective process for anxiety therapy to help you quickly slow-down the racing thoughts, physically relax your body and get control of your life. Because we specialize in natural and holistic approaches we have proven our results in some of the most extreme and severe cases of anxiety.
There are times when the initial cause of the anxiety is easy to identify and it becomes a recurring thought usually reinforced by the cycle of anxiousness feeding anxiousness. We have worked with all types on anxiety and consider it one of our specialties. Since we work with trauma and emotional issues (including being an approved provider for victim services) it is easy for us to remove root initial causes where the anxiety began.
New Effective Therapies Only Available At the Body and Mind Natural Health Clinic
There are other types of anxiety where a person may feel that they have no idea where it truly began. We have seen many of these cases and pride ourselves in helping people not only identify earliest incidences but to also help remove the recurring thoughts and resulting feelings. Helping to identify the earliest events removes the fears and worries often locked into the subconscious. As developers of Rapid Emotional Release and Empowerment – a technique to quickly remove locked in emotions – we specialize in quickly removing those fears and worries. When it comes to looking for a solution we specialize in Anxiety Therapy.
Thought processes and controlling thinking are something that anyone experiencing any degree of anxiety realizes is the ultimate desired goal. One cannot experience calmness when their mind is filled with thoughts that are racing in the wrong direction. We here at Body & Mind Natural Health Clinic in Windsor, Ontario also specialize in thought processes and changing the negative inner voice.
ick Saruna is Windsor’s Anxiety Expert. He was featured on the front page of Windsor Star’s Think Wellness section. Click the article to read the full page.
Rick Saruna – Author of Thought Shifting – How To Remove The Inner Negative Voice in 30 Days
Clinical Director and Therapist Rick Saruna not only specializes in changing thoughts and thinking, he actually wrote the book on it. Rick Saruna wrote the book Thought Shifting – “How To Change the Negative Inner Voice In 30 Days.” This unique and specialized process help people get in control of their thoughts, thinking, and feelings.
Body & Mind specializes in helping you feel better fast. If you have experienced any anxiety in the past or currently are struggling to achieve calmness and a sense of relaxation we are the experts you are looking for. Our processes and techniques are different than any other types of therapies or counselling you would have experienced. We focus on the solution and not the problem. When it comes to Anxiety Therapy, Body & Mind will deliver the desired results quickly and easily.
You will love our processes and techniques. We specialize in the subconscious. You owe it to yourself to get the control of your thoughts and your life. Call us now at the offices of Body & Mind.
We can help you quickly and effectively. We also specialize in difficult and unusual cases and situations. We make room for urgent situations and appointments. Service available by phone. In special situations house visits may be available under certain conditions. Travel time and charges additional.
For quickest and most personalized service, CALL our office.
Body & Mind Natural Health – Windsor, Ontario
(519) 948-0078
Book Your FREE Evaluation or If You Need Immediate Help – Book 1st Your Appointment Today
We are located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, near the Detroit Michigan border. Across from Central Mall. Directly across from the Metro grocery store.
Body and Mind also specializes in Counselling and Therapy, Marriage and Family issues, Laser Weight Loss, Hypnosis Weight Loss, Craving Elimination, Emotional Eating and Stress Management. We are Located in Windsor Ontario and only Minutes From the U.S. Detroit Michigan Border.
Body & Mind Natural Health Clinic- Windsor, Ontario