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Need Help In Your Relationship?


Couple Counselling Expert


Evenings & Weekends - Urgent Appts. Available

"Chaos Always Comes Before Opportunity."

Helping Individuals, Couples & Families

What most people do not understand is that communication consists of words, tone and body language. Words are the least part of any message. We specialize in teaching people how to communicate, listen and understand their partner. You will never have a successful fulfilling relationship without knowing how to do this.

“The problem presented is never the issue it is the symptom.”





“I just wanted to thank you for helping us understand each other and to become aware of each other’s needs. I am more of aware of so many things and especially how important my family is to me. Thanks for helping me see the light when things seemed pretty dark. Things have never been better and the energy in the house has totally been transformed into what we both always wanted. I can honestly say we are both happy.”



“I must say I didn’t think I could ever get over a few issues that kept playing in my head. Your way of working with us was truly transforming. You lifted some deep seated emotional issue from before my marriage that I thought was dealt with. I no longer blame him for things I think he is doing. The trust is back and so is my family. Thanks for everything.”



“I  must say didn’t think I could ever get over a few issues that kept playing in my head. Your way of working with us was truly transforming. You lifted some deep seated emotional issue from before my marriage that I thought was dealt with. I no longer blame him for things I think he is doing. The trust is back and so is my family. Thanks for everything.”

Couple Counselling Expert - rick fb



Rick has been helping people and families with excellent couple counselling services for over 30 years. He has more experience than most of the current couple counselling therapists practicing. He is pro family and understands many of the issues faced by those in relationships. Rick has been married over 30 years (to the same person!). He has children, now having grand children. Has been through loss of elderly parents, owning various businesses, dealing with family and sibling issues, etc. You could say he has some life experience. Most of all he understands people and he will understand your situation.

His educational background is psychology, psychotherapy and the subconscious. Trained in various modalities of subconscious work he also developed most of the processes that he uses because most therapies like to label people and personalities. Rick prefers peeling off labels and getting to root causes of emotional issues and personality difficulties. This is what creates deep rooted change.

One of the most powerful studies of communication is neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and Rick has a Masters in NLP and is also an NLP trainer and instructor.

He is the developer of Rapid Emotional Release and Empowerment (RER) and uses it to remove stuck emotional issues.

Rick Saruna is also a published author with “Thought Shifting – How To Remove The Negative Inner Voice in 30 Days.” This work developed after working for many years with many people and realizing the biggest issue noticed by Rick was negativity. People wanted change but without changing their thinking some other issue would always appear.  This is something included in all therapies and vital in relationships.

Relationships & Communication Expert, M. NLP, Author of Thought Shifting - How to Remove the Negative Inner Voice

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We Specialize In Emotional Issues Locked Inside That Are Causing The Current Issues and Feelings

Rick Saruna is an expert in emotional issues and quickly identifying them and releasing them. Through his process of Rapid Emotional Release stuck emotional issues and recurring thoughts can be released and let go. Issues such as anger, sadness, fear, guilt can quickly become overcome once root cause is identified. This is a unique process developed by Rick Saruna and unique to the Body & Mind Clinic in Windsor. When old issues are allowed to build up they never go away and will find ways to show up causing relationship issues. All these things can be addressed and changed with the proper therapist helping you. This is one of our specialties.

Learning To Think Differently In A Positive Way

Ultimately if you look for issues you will find issues. After emotional issues are released you don’t automatically start thinking positively.  This is something else we teach people, how to become positive so you can look forward to the future. We are published authors and wrote the book “Thought Shifting – How To Remove The Negative Inner Voice in 30 Days.”

This process is vital to prevent other things from popping up and starting the cycle over again. Learning to think positive in your relationship removes barriers and opens doors to very powerful bonds and healthy, happy families.

Most Couples Have Issues Being Heard and Understood

“Relationships Without Communication is called Loneliness” –  Rick Saruna

All Couple Counselling Sessions Are Private & Confidential

Insurance Coverage May Be Available Through Green Shield Call For Details

We are there 6 days a week - Weekends Available

We are located in Windsor, Ontario CANADA

Serving Southern Ontario - Windsor, Essex County, Chatham, Sarnia, London in office or World Wide on Skype

Body & Mind Natural Health Clinic Helping 1000’s Since the 1990’s

New Office

2303 Central Ave., Windsor, Ontario

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